Learning Enhanced with Play Dough: Ways in Which It Aids

Lumi Dough.com

Lumi Dough.com

Are you a kindergarten kid’s parent? Or is your toddler now in school and is learning some fine motor skills? Kids aged 2 to 6 have an extremely sharp brain. They are also in an age when learning forms the foundation of their behavior.

It is the fine motor skills particularly that most of the children have trouble developing. Most of the children take time to master these skills, for the fine motor skills are the ones that are concerned with smaller muscles and need attention to detail.

As a parent of a kid or kids, you must plan out a few things at home and encourage activities at school that focus on the development of fine motor skills. Playing with dough is one such activity. There are a number of ways in which playing with clay or dough helps. Because of its innumerable benefits on a child’s learning and development, it is an activity that has been included in various schools as a part of their curriculum.

Play With Dough

As a purely fun activity, kids play dough or clay is something that every kid simply loves. A kid can spend hours creating different things out of a gooey ball of dough. From things like little dolls, trains, houses and animals to full-fledged zoos, islands and rooms, children keep themselves busy crafting different things out of dough.

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Learn the Play Way with Lumi Dough

Kids Play Dough

Kids Play Dough

Playing with dough is as educational as it is entertaining. Could someone ever imagine that something extremely simple like dough could have so many benefits? In fact, there could be nothing better than clay when it comes to learning through games.

For kids who are aged 2 to 6, playing is considered more important than theoretical mugging acting and learning. It is through play that these kids learn various things. Additionally, playing is essential for growing kids as it encourages proper physical as well as mental development.

Many parents hesitate to give dough to their children thinking that it is harmful for the children. The only two reasons why a kid is refrained from eating dough is that he or she might be fond of eating it and/or would be littering around with the clay.

No matter how the idea of playing with dough sounds to the parents of kids, to kids it is always a wonderful way of passing time. Hand them over a roll of glowing dough for kids and see their eyes gleam with joy.

The idea of learning with clay sounds fun, isn’t it? Toddlers can learn a number of things as they play with their favorite dough. So, what are the different kinds of things that they can learn about while playing with dough? Here are a few:

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