To Cook or Not to Cook: Some of The Best Doughs to Make and Play With

Playing Dough

Playing Dough

Every parent has his/her doubts when thinking about introducing playing dough in the life of their kids. While everyone is aware about the innumerable benefits of playing with dough, some people are skeptical about letting their children play with it. One of the reasons for this is that children get things everywhere. And, dough sticks at any place where it is kept for long. It could stick to your furniture or to your clothes or to your shoes.

This is what parents of toddlers do not want to happen. You might be thinking what if you find dough sticking in your hair on a certain morning? While these are some of the reasons why you might be thinking about waiting a bit more until the time your kid can handle clay sensibly, well, the little one will miss out on much in case you do not give him/her the chance to play with dough at the right age. What you can do instead is to make the play dough at home. Edible dough is something that won’t harm your little one even if he or she likes eating it. Also, you have the option of creating a dough that is non-sticky by trying different recipes.

How to Make Dough at Home

There are a number of ways for making dough at home. Moreover, there are a lot of varieties of dough that you can make. Some of these comprise dough/clay that requires cooking on gas and some varieties do not require cooking. Those dough varieties that do not require using the stove are definitely easier to make. Here are some varieties that you can try making at home with your little one:

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Reasons Not to Eat Play Dough

Lumi Dough Arts & Crafts

Lumi Dough Arts & Crafts

Did you ever eat play dough when you were a kid? If you did, then you mustn’t have forgotten the bitter taste of clay and its gooey feel. There is nothing tasty about play dough; however, its smell is intoxicating. Plus it does tempt one to take a bite. If you’ve heard the song ‘Don’t Eat Play Dough’ by SPOOF QUEENS, you will understand how tough it can be for kids to resist eating dough. However, eating kids play dough is something that every parent should stop their children from doing. The simple reason that kids should not eat playing dough is that it is meant strictly for playing.

What If Your Child Loves Eating Play Dough

A number of clay or play dough manufacturers have realized that children not only love to play with dough but also love eating it. Every child likes eating play dough – there is no doubt about it. He or she might not eat it in front of you, scared that you might scold him. However, once you turn your back and walk away, the toddler would stealthily pull out a roll of play dough and put it in his or her mouth.

Thankfully, most of the play dough varieties manufactured today are non-toxic. Being toxin free however does not make them safe for eating. Eating dough is not a good habit and can cause problems. You however do not need to panic if your kid has eaten just a bit. Consuming just a small amount of dough will not harm the kid.

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